How to Color Gray Hair With Henna|Coloring gray hair

There are two ways to cover coloring gray hair with henna.
1. Henna kits that are made specifically for gray hair.2. Using pure, powdered henna in a whole new way.
Henna Kits for Gray
Most kits henna gray are two stages of the process. Your hair is first covered with a mixture of natural non-toxic preparation. This helps the gray hair is more susceptible to henna.
There are also pre-mixed cream hennas on the market which will cover gray. Most, however, take 2 or 3 applications before the gray is covered completely. Some products, like Surya Henna Cream, are easier, 1-step processes which claim to cover gray on the first application.
Henna, as you may know, the fur. Do not open or coarse the hair, as most commercial dyes. And because of the large gray hair and smoother hair pigment tend tend to draw henna in gray. Therefore, the henna hair color is classified as semi-permanent. Even the best application of henna to wash a bit 'with every shampoo. And that is why most of the cases-a step, henna powder is to warn against the use of gray hair.
Pure Powdered Henna
Most henna users are already familiar with this green powder. It comes in a plastic bag (some buy in bulk), and it's made from leaves of the Lawsonia tree. To create different colors, other natural ingredients are added, like walnut or clove.
If they are gray and you want to use pure henna, you can. This is a long process, but it worked for me and will never go to anything else. Light Mountain Henna is well aware that many other brands.
Before Beginning
Do a strand test. If you have your hair cut, save a curl to use for the strand test. Otherwise, cut a small bit of hair from underneath or in the back so the cut doesn't show. Hold the hair swatch together with a rubber band, and go through the entire coloring process with this strand. This is important because it's the only way to calculate the leave-in time. In contrast to commercial hair dye, henna fluctuates wildly, how long you want to leave in order to obtain the desired color. Calendar for coloring gray hair May 2 to 6 hours.
Another reason for the strand test: to make sure that the final color is what you want. Henna on gray hair will come out lighter than henna on pigmented hair. Henna on blond hair is unpredictable. The strand test will let you know.
A note for the purchase of henna. Read the ingredients before buying. Make sure you do not understand anything in the list. Every hair color with PPD (p-phenylenediamine, sometimes labeled as phenylenediamine, para-aminoaniline, aminoaniline p-, phenylenediamine or PPDA) is off-limits for reasons of health and safety. However, most hennas you find in a reputable health food store will be pure and safe. Hennas purchased over the Internet usually list their ingredients, and I encourage you to read them.
Ready, Set, Go# The first step is to apply an emollient on the front line. This will prevent the henna from staining the face.
# Next mix a brown henna powder can be boiled, based on a non-metallic bowl with water only. Add a couple of beaten eggs that can help if you want to keep the mixture sticky. Slowly, the hot water until the mixture is smooth and thick paste.
# Apply to dry hair, clean, free of styling products, conditioners, hair sprays or lotions. This is a key.
# Apply to roots first, aswould be with commercial hair dye, but more of a product - at least part of a golf ball of dough every time a part of your hair and apply. Each section should be entirely covered with henna. Use plastic gloves that are included in the package and apply with your hands to get the best coverage. Next to the hair into separate lines of 1/4-inch, wipe henna hair until all the gray is covered.
# Wash Yes, the henna stain the scalp - but it is not toxic, andSame scalp (not hair) in one or two shampoos.
# After the gray is covered with the paste, the henna is applied to the rest of the hair, if desired.
# Cover the head with a plastic cap, and coverage of the CAP with a towel.
# After an hour (or less if you have a short break at the time), remove the towel and plastic cap and packaging henna and sprinkle lightly with water. Insert the stopper and manually (but gently) rub the hair, the humidity around the head and coaxialensure that each strand of hair is covered with henna. Apply the towel.
# You can bake additional color, with a hooded hair dryer or heating cap for 10 minutes every hour.
# If the time is up, rinse the henna from the hair with lukewarm water (not boiling). Your hair can be very complicated: It is normal for the time being. So do not be polite - rub or tug. Apply a small amount of light conditioner, like Jason or receive Aveda color and rinse after 30 seconds. Use this shampooPoint.|Coloring gray hair